Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Irony at the Heart of Harper's Economic Failure

|It is probably not an over statement to posit that Stephen Harper hates Pierre Trudeau and his legacy more than anyone or anything.  Given the malignant nature of Harper's soul, that is a lot of hate. This fervent bile is born of a mix of good old conservative anti-intellectualism, ethnic bias, jealousy of an intellectual superior and his accomplishments.  This hatred is a large part of why the Conservative base still support Harper notwithstanding all of his incompetence. It is not the prospect of losing to Pierre Trudeau's son that is the irony.  That is just the poetic coup de grace.  The irony is the strong parallels in the reasons the economic programs of both mean foundered.

At a time when OPEC manipulations caused catastrophic increases in oil prices, the Liberal government of Pierre Trudeau instituted the National Energy Program to shield Canadians from the world price of oil and provide tax revenue for social programs.  When oil prices fell, the entire program was in tatters and Trudeau's legacy as an economic steward of the country was destroyed.  He was able to salvage his reputation with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and repatriating the constitution.

At a time when OPEC manipulations caused catastrophic increases in oil prices, the Conservative government of Stephen Harper instituted a program to transform Canada into an Energy Superpower and let the rest of the economy pound sand.  When oil prices fell, the entire program was in tatters and Harper's legacy as an economic steward of the country was destroyed.  He was able to decisively ruin his reputation by seeking re-election under the boogey man of terrorism and eviscerating the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and repatriating the constitution.Recommend this Post